Example Services

Below are some examples of using Core API to interact with existing APIs.

Heroku (JSON Hyper-Schema)

Heroku publish a JSON Hyper-Schema document for their API, which the Core API command line client can interact with.

Let's follow their QuickStart example, using the command line client.

First make sure you have a Heroku account and have obtained an auth token.

# Install the command line client, if not already done.
$ pip install coreapi-cli
Successfully installed coreapi-cli

# Install the JSON Hyper-Schema codec support
$ pip install jsonhyperschema-codec
Successfully installed jsonhyperschema-codec

# Attempt to retrieve the API schema.
$ coreapi get https://api.heroku.com/schema
<Error: Not Found>
    message: "The requested API endpoint was not found. Are you using the right HTTP verb (i.e. `GET` vs. `POST`), and did you specify your intended version with the `Accept` header?"

# Use Heroku's versioned accept header.
$ coreapi headers add accept "application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3"
Added header
Accept: application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3

# Retrieve the API schema.
$ coreapi get https://api.heroku.com/schema
<Heroku Platform API "https://api.heroku.com/schema">
    account: {
        update(account_identity, new_password, password)
    account-feature: {
        update(account_feature_identity, enabled)

# Note: If you've setup the Heroku client, its possible that you may not need
# to add credentials to your command line client, as it may be able to obtain
# existing Heroku credentials from your `.netrc` file.
$ coreapi action app create
<Error: Unauthorized>
    id: "unauthorized"
    message: "There were no credentials in your `Authorization` header. Try `Authorization: Bearer <OAuth access token>` or `Authorization: Basic <base64-encoded email + \":\" + password>`."

# Add our credentials.
$ coreapi credentials add api.heroku.com "Bearer ***"
Added credentials
api.heroku.com "Bearer ***"

# Create a new app.
$ coreapi action app create
    "repo_size": null,
    "name": "radiant-woodland-74673",
    "created_at": "2016-01-25T14:00:11Z",

# Rename the app.
$ coreapi action app update -p app_identity='radiant-woodland-74673' -p name=coreapi-example
    "repo_size": null,
    "name": "coreapi-example",
    "created_at": "2016-01-25T14:00:11Z",

# Remove the app.
$ coreapi action app destroy -p app_identity=coreapi-kicks-ass

OpenAPI / Swagger

# Install the command line client, if not already done.
$ pip install coreapi-cli
Successfully installed coreapi-cli

# Install the OpenAPI codec support
$ pip install openapi-codec
Successfully installed openapi-codec

# The PetStore API does not return a hypermedia/schema content type, so this attempt will fail:
$ coreapi get http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json
coreapi.exceptions.UnsupportedContentType: Unsupported media in Content-Type header 'application/json'

# Instead we'll need to specify the format of the document explicitly:
$ coreapi get http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json --format openapi
<Swagger Petstore "http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json">
    pet: {
        addPet(name, photoUrls, [category], [status], [tags], [id])
        deletePet(petId, [api_key])
        updatePet(name, photoUrls, [category], [status], [tags], [id])
        updatePetWithForm(petId, [name], [status])
        uploadFile(petId, [additionalMetadata], [file])
    store: {
        placeOrder([status], [shipDate], [complete], [petId], [id], [quantity])
    user: {
        createUser([username], [firstName], [lastName], [userStatus], [email], [phone], [password], [id])
        loginUser(username, password)
        updateUser(username, [username], [firstName], [lastName], [userStatus], [email], [phone], [password], [id])

# We can now interact with the Pet Store API
$ coreapi action store getInventory
    "sold": 5208,
    "new": 2,
    "not available": 1

FoxyCart (HAL)

FoxyCart expose a hypermedia API, using HAL.

Let's try following their Getting Started example, using the Core API command line client.

# Install the command line client, if not already done.
$ pip install coreapi-cli
Successfully installed coreapi-cli

# Install the HAL codec support
$ pip install hal-codec
Successfully installed hal-codec

# Attempt to get the sandbox API entry point.
$ coreapi get https://api-sandbox.foxycart.com
    errors: [
            logref: "id-1453305072"
            message: "The FOXY-API-VERSION request header is required in order to use the API. Please include the following header with all requests: FOXY-API-VERSION: 1"
    total: 1

# Include the FoxyCart required version header.
$ coreapi headers add FOXY-API-VERSION 1  # Add a custom header to all outgoing requests.
Added header
Foxy-Api-Version: 1

# Get the sandbox API entry point.
$ coreapi get https://api-sandbox.foxycart.com
<Your API starting point. "https://api-sandbox.foxycart.com/">
    message: "Welcome to the FoxyCart API! Our hope is to be as self-documenting and RESTful as possible. Please let us know if you have any questions by posting in our forum http://forum.foxycart.com or emailing us at helpdesk@foxycart.com. As a last resort, you could read the documentation at http://wiki.foxycart.com. Your first action should be to create an OAuth Client, then a user, followed by a store."
    create_client()  # Note that HAL APIs won't include the parameter listings here.
- hide quoted text -

# Let's add a bookmark so it's easier to get back to.
$ coreapi bookmarks add foxycart
Added bookmark

# Try to follow this link.
$ coreapi action create_client
    errors: [
            logref: "id-1453305175"
            message: "No route found for \"GET /clients\": Method Not Allowed (Allow: OPTIONS, POST)"
    total: 1

# HAL doesn't include the action information, so we specify it explicitly.
$ coreapi action create_client --action post
    errors: [
            logref: "id-1453305183"
            message: "redirect_uri can't be blank, redirect_uri is too short (minimum is 1 characters)"
            logref: "id-1453305183"
            message: "project_name can't be blank, project_name is too short (minimum is 1 characters)"
            logref: "id-1453305183"
            message: "company_name can't be blank, company_name is too short (minimum is 1 characters)"
            logref: "id-1453305183"
            message: "contact_name can't be blank, contact_name is too short (minimum is 1 characters)"
            logref: "id-1453305183"
            message: "contact_email can't be blank, contact_email is too short (minimum is 1 characters), contact_email is not a valid email address."
            logref: "id-1453305183"
            message: "contact_phone can't be blank, contact_phone is too short (minimum is 1 characters)"
    total: 6

# Specify several parameters. Use --param for more verbose style.
$ coreapi action create_client -a post -p redirect_uri=http://example.com/redirect -p project_name=example -p company_name=example -p contact_name=tom -p contact_email=tom@example.com -p contact_phone=123
<This Client "https://api-sandbox.foxycart.com/clients/3731">
    message: "client 3731 created successfully."
    token: {
        access_token: "***"
        expires_in: 7200
        refresh_token: "***"
        scope: "client_full_access"
        token_type: "Bearer"

# Add an Authorization header, for all requests to this domain.
$ coreapi credentials add api-sandbox.foxycart.com "Bearer ***"
Added credentials
api-sandbox.foxycart.com "Bearer ***"

# Go back to our bookmarked URL.
$ coreapi bookmarks get foxycart
<Your API starting point. "https://api-sandbox.foxycart.com/">
    message: "Welcome to the FoxyCart API! Our hope is to be as self-documenting and RESTful as possible. Please let us know if you have any questions by posting in our forum http://forum.foxycart.com or emailing us at helpdesk@foxycart.com. As a last resort, you could read the documentation at http://wiki.foxycart.com. Your first action should be to create an OAuth Client, then a user, followed by a store."